
Many of the world's biggest scholarly publishers rely on DataSalon to help drive new sales, inform future strategy, and provide accurate insights. Here are some of our happy customers...

Oxford Journals

Oxford Journals publish over 200 academic journals both in print and online, and since 2006 have been using MasterVision as the principal tool for all marketing analysis and customer segmentation, joining up 10 different customer databases.

OUP have adopted PaperStack to provide them with full API integration with both ScholarOne and Editorial Manager. A range of standard and bespoke reports have been created to deliver fast, accurate, and intuitive views onto their article submissions. Filtered access and data sub-setting rules allow OUP to share access with over 100 related societies.

"I'm a huge fan of the MasterVision system..."

"I'm a huge fan of the MasterVision system. It has provided us with significant market insights and has become an essential tool in our strategic planning. It's so valuable to find a system that gives you the complex interrogation tools you want, but is also so easy to use. It has enabled the whole marketing team to make the most of our customer data."

Rachel Goode, Group Communications Director, Oxford Journals
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IOP Publishing

MasterVision brings together IOP's subscribers, usage data, turnaways, members, editorial data, conference series and more, enabling highly targeted and innovative marketing campaigns to grow both subscriptions and author submissions.

"We have been extremely impressed by both DataSalon's technology and staff..."

"MasterVision provides the easy-to-use tools we need to identify relevant contacts for our subscription and editorial marketing campaigns, as well as our other customer communications. With data from across the business brought together in a single environment and intelligently connected up so quickly and efficiently, we have been extremely impressed by both DataSalon's technology and staff."

Jo Allen, Head of Marketing & B2B, IOP Publishing
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BMJ adopted MasterVision in 2006 to clean and integrate data across its key databases, and since then over 4m records have been collected, cleansed and merged every week to give a single joined-up view of more than 1m unique contacts.

"What we have achieved since adopting MasterVision has been truly impressive..."

"What we have achieved since adopting MasterVision has been truly impressive. The system has both cleaned and linked huge volumes of data from 8 different sources, and has given us a clear and joined-up view of our customers for the first time.

The interfaces for searching and reporting are intuitive and simple to use and the solution provides complete flexibility to rapidly drill down into data enabling us to better understand our customer segments.

It has been a pleasure working with the DataSalon team during the implementation, with all communication being prompt, precise and focused on achieving the best possible outcomes."

Phil Caisley, Head of Information Services, BMJ
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Mark Allen Group

MasterVision joins up all of MAG's different data sources and empowers sales and marketing staff to take control of their own data analysis with agile and flexible tools and direct access to key business intelligence. The MAG team uses MasterVision to generate leads both locally and globally, looking at usage and subscriptions alongside other customer interactions.

"It's great to have all this information at our fingertips..."

"It's great to have all this information at our fingertips, with the ability to slice and dice it in ways we wouldn't have even thought of previously. Before, we would have had to ask for, and wait for, this information from multiple departments and by the time it did come back the initial need or thought process would have been forgotten. We are delighted to have chosen MasterVision; the team have been so helpful throughout the launch process."

Matthew Cianfarani, Director - International Business Development, Mark Allen Group
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ASCO Publications

PaperStack provides ASCO with full API integration with ScholarOne and delivers comprehensive reporting onto all areas of their submissions workflow. The addition of author and reviewers survey data allows them to analyse the author/reviewer experience and deliver the best service possible for their contributors.

Mary Ann Liebert

Mary Ann Liebert is a leading independent publisher of over 90 scientific, technical, and medical journals known worldwide for its prescience and establishment of authoritative peer-reviewed content. MAL have adopted PaperStack to provide them with a complete reporting suite for the scholarly submissions process. It is fully integrated with ScholarOne to cover all aspects of the peer review process from submissions to acceptance.

European Respiratory Society

PaperStack provides ERS with a comprehensive reporting suite for all aspects of the editorial process, helping them to develop the most effective publishing programme possible in a fast-changing environment.

Taylor & Francis

MasterVision provides Taylor & Francis staff with user-friendly access to each customer's subscriptions, usage and denials activity in one place, and has quickly become established as a core tool for driving sales and informing strategy.

Taylor & Francis also use PaperStack for full 'out-of-the-box' API integration with both ScholarOne and Editorial Manager. PaperStack provides publishing staff with data insight across their complex portfolio of journals. These insights take the form of user-friendly reports covering submission and acceptance rates, turnaround times, geographical distribution of authors and reviewers, and more - all of which can be broken down by facets such as subject area, journal, article type and publishing model to give whatever level of detail is required.

"MasterVision has transformed the way we interact with customer data..."

"MasterVision has transformed the way we interact with customer data: both drastically reducing the time taken to retrieve data and do complex analyses, and allowing staff to better understand and respond to the needs of our global customer base"

Jo Cross, Head of Research and Business Intelligence, Taylor & Francis
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DataSalon's cloud service MasterVision provides Wiley staff with user-friendly access to a complete single customer view incorporating sales, usage, authors and citations, and has quickly become established as an essential tool for driving sales and informing strategy.

"Working with the experts at DataSalon has been an extremely rewarding experience..."

"Working with the experts at DataSalon has been an extremely rewarding experience. They have rapidly customised their MasterVision application to support Wiley's goal of better understanding our customers and their interactions with Wiley, thus enabling us to act as a better partner to them. In a short time MasterVision has established itself as a must have tool which we look forward to further developing over the coming months."

Iain Craig, Director, Market & Publishing Analytics, Wiley
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Leading information provider ProQuest has forged a 70-year reputation as a gateway to the world's knowledge. ProQuest uses MasterVision to provide customer insight and to drive customer engagement through better understanding of new customers and markets.

"We are excited to be bringing our core customer data together into a single view for the first time..."

"The combination of Ringgold's reference data and DataSalon's MasterVision product has provided us with an improved understanding of our products' market performance and potential. We are also excited to be bringing our core customer data together into a single view for the first time, and we foresee many avenues of customer research and analysis opening up before us."

Lynda James-Gilboe, SVP Marketing and Customer Care, ProQuest
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The Royal Society of Chemistry

The RSC adopted MasterVision in 2009, and the service has since been rolled out across the whole organization. It now plays a key part in all business planning and operational activities, and is used on a day-to day basis within every department of the RSC.

PaperStack provides the RSC with full ScholarOne API integration and delivers insights via a comprehensive set of user-friendly reports covering submission and acceptance rates, turnaround times, and more. PaperStack also supports key Read & Publish reporting requirements, supporting RSC's OA program.

"MasterVision is now central to our entire organization..."

"MasterVision is now central to our entire organization, and provides vital insight to all of our staff in many different ways. We saw the huge potential of a complete single customer view for the whole company, and are thrilled that the roll-out has been such a success."

Richard Crouch, Marketing Director, The Royal Society of Chemistry
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The Royal Society

MasterVision gives The Royal Society Publishing a complete view of all their journal customers, by connecting multiple data sources including subscriptions, usage, alerts, events and authors. This integrated view means staff now have a complete picture of each customer's level of engagement, with detailed headlines and core measures easily available.

"MasterVision is already proving an invaluable tool for our marketing department..."

"MasterVision is already proving an invaluable tool for our marketing department: in meeting our reporting needs and for building campaign lists. We look forward to working with DataSalon to add more data over time and build even more useful reports for other departments such as editorial and sales."

Charles Lusty, Head of Publishing Operations, The Royal Society
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Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 14,000 individual members. Almost 500 academic, manufacturing, research and development, service and consulting organizations, government, and military organizations worldwide are institutional members.

SIAM has adopted MasterVision to provide them with complete customer insight via a fast and user-friendly hosted service which merges all of their valuable data into a 'single customer view'. MasterVision delivers interactive dashboards to track key performance indicators, and allows SIAM to visualise trends and patterns with clear, flexible, and extensive analysis options. In addition, it gives them powerful search tools allowing for the identification of highly-targeted customer segments, and much more.

The Geological Society

PaperStack provides The Geological Society with full API integration with Editorial Manager and delivers easy to use editorial reports enhanced with industry data from ROR, Funder Registry, ORCID, and Crossref. Staff can quickly report on key areas of the editorial process from peer review times to rejection rates. The addition of KPI reporting provides an essential perspective for tracking submissions against target data.